Cookie policy

This page contains information about how we use cookies on If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us.

Cookie policy

Last updated 2023-01-01

Information about how we use cookies on Attefallshusia, org nr: 559118-6621

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer. They are all given unique numbers.

There are different types of cookies:

  • Session cookies
    These are stored temporarily on your computer when you visit our website and are deleted as soon as you close your browser.
  • Permanent cookies
    These remain on your computer until you delete them.
  • First party cookies
    These cookies are placed on your computer by Attefallshusia when you visit our website.
  • Third-party cookies
    These cookies are used to collect information for advertising and customized content as well as for web statistics and come from Attefallshusia's partners when you browse (these are third-party cookies that allow you, for example, to see ads on our products that you have previously clicked or made searches on). These third-party cookies provide a picture of the user's browsing habits and it is possible to block this type of cookie in your browser by making an individual setting in your computer if you do not want third-party cookies to be accepted.

Why use Attefallshusia cookies?

Cookies (and other technologies) allow us to do great things to improve your user experience. We collect information about you browsing our website through several types of cookies or info collectors. Below you can see what type of cookies we have and how we use the information collected:

  • Necessary cookies
    Contains information that we must have in order for you to access certain services and features. One example is being able to use our contact channels. Necessary cookies also help us to detect and track fraud or other attempts to gain unauthorized access to your information and our services.
  • Performance cookies
    Used to ensure that the pages you use load faster. Contain general information about how you use our services. The information allows us to adapt our website to your needs so that we can make your use as easy as possible or to analyze our visitor flows.
  • Website customization
    Used to help us remember the choices you made when you previously used our services and features. We also want to make it easier for you to remember which products you are interested in by saving your visitor behavior.
  • Marketing and social media
    Collects information about your activities and interest on, in short, what you have clicked on so that we can provide you with relevant offers in other channels.

Are there cookies that allow me to see advertising from Attefallshusia on other sites

Yes, Attefallshusia uses marketing cookies. These are used to give you the best experience - We use the information in these cookies to:

  • Give you content you seem to be interested in right away. We see which parts of our website you have visited and where you have clicked and conclude what you want to see more of. This information is used to determine which marketing is likely to be of most interest to you.
  • We also work with other companies that help us with our marketing, so-called retargeting, which is more or less our digital shop window (e.g. through banner advertising). This means that these companies can place cookies (see above) so that we can give you the inspiration you want in other channels as well. Based on how you move around our website, you will simply see marketing targeted to you where we have purchased advertising.

When we may share your cookies

In some cases, we may use a data processor to help with our marketing. When we share your data, it will be used for the same purpose for which we originally collected it. When we send your data outside the EU/EEA, this is done according to particularly stringent requirements and agreements.

What if I no longer want you to save my cookies?

You can always change your browser or device settings for the use and scope of cookies. Click on the settings of your browser or device to learn more about how to change your cookie settings. In your settings you can block all cookies but you can also choose to accept only first-party cookies or choose to delete cookies when you close your browser. Remember that essential cookies are needed if you want to continue using our website and services.

Do you still have questions?

You can read more about cookies on the PTS (Post and Telecom Agency website,

If you still have questions about how we use cookies and other technologies, please contact us.